One thing I preach early on when I am working with a new golfer, or just a really bad golfer who has not been given any instruction is how the club works to get the ball in the air.

In the video below is Tiger Woods’ swing at impact with a 2 iron, one of the most difficult clubs to hit.

Many new and bad golfers are intimidated by hitting these long irons because they have such little loft, and the hitting surface is so small.

Because of this, they feel the need to try and help the ball in the air.

As a result, they change their spine angle at impact to try and catch the ball on the up swing. This often results in topped shots, or fat shots.

The golfer then tells themselves they need to keep their head down, which in my view is the worst tip in golf.

It’s not a matter of keeping your head down…it’s all about proper sequencing and maintaining your spine angle at impact.

Have a look at the video below to see what proper impact looks like in slow motion.

Author: Scott