Many golfers are inhibited from making significant improvements to their golf swing because they don’t have good enough flexibility.

For about eight solid years, I studied a martial art called Pai Lum, a mix of Kung Fu and Kenpo.  Stretching was part of my routine, and we worked on stretches for every muscle group.

Below is a stretching routine for golfers that is very similar to our routine in our Pai Lum classes.

Here are a couple pointers to understand before you undertake any stretching routine…

First, always warm up for a couple minutes by jogging in place, doing some jumping jacks, or perhaps riding a stationary bike….never stretch a cold body!  You’ll be more prone to injury if you stretch while cold.  In fact, it’s even a good idea to take a warm shower or bath before you stretch.

Second, for each stretch, you’ll want to get into a position where you feel discomfort, but not pain.  You’ll want to hold that position for about 15 seconds, while focusing on your breath.  Then try go a little deeper, and hold for another 15 seconds.

Relax and shake it out, then get into position again, and try go slightly deeper into the stretch, then hold for another 15 seconds.  This will result in about 45 seconds for each stretch.

Third, never bounce up and down in your stretches…that is another way injure yourself.

Fourth, always gradually get in and out your stretching positions…speed is not your friend while stretching.

Lastly, you don’t need to stretch for improved flexibility every day.  Two days per week is adequate, while three is just about perfect.

Ok, let’s go through the routine…

Single Leg Hamstring Stretch

Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you.

Pull the right foot in so that it touches the inside of the left knee.

Point the toes of the left foot straight up to the ceiling.

Reach down to the leg, starting at the knee, and move your body forward, pushing the chest toward the knee.

Reach further down the leg as far down as you can go, and try to draw the chest as close to the knee as possible.

When you are done with this leg, switch to the other leg.


stretching routine for golfers

Hamstring stretch

Back Stretch – Twist

Lay flat on your back, arms out to sides and palms down,  with your knees bent and feet flat to the floor.

Shift onto your left hip, keeping your back flat to the floor.

Lower your knees to the left side, so that the left knee and thigh lay on the floor.

Place your left hand on your right knee, and pull the right knee down to floor…at the same time your head should be turned to the right, facing your right hand.

Hold for 30 seconds, shake it out, then repeat for 15, going a little deeper into the stretch.

Slowly switch positions to the other side.

stretching routine for golfers

Back stretch 1

Back stretch 1 side view

Back stretch 2 – spine lengthening

Lay face down on the floor, hands palms down underneath your shoulders.

Push your upper torso off the floor, and for an even better stretch, try to keep the knees off the floor as well.

If you can’t just work toward that goal.  Also, be sure to reach your forehead upward….don’t’shrug your shoulders in this position. In Yoga, this stretch is referred to as Upward Dog.

back stretch 2 – upward dog

Stretch 4 – Child’s Pose

From the last Spine Lengthening Position, simply lift the hips off the floor so that you are on your hands and knees, then shift the hips back as you try to touch your butt to your heels.

At the same time, do not move your hands, and let the arms extend in front of you as you shift back onto your heels.

Child’s Pose

Butterfly Stretch

This is a stretch that works to improve flexibility in the groin.

Sit on the floor, with back straight, and draw the soles of your feet in so that they are pressed together, and the heels are as close to your body as possible.

Grab on to your feet with both hands and press your elbows down into your legs, pushing the knees down to the floor as far as the will go.  If your knees are flat to the floor, lean forward a bit to add intensity.

butterfly stretch

Quadriceps Stretch

Stand with your left side next to a chair or stool.

While balancing yourself with your left hand on the chair, grab your right ankle with your right hand, and pull your foot up toward your butt.

Be sure to keep your knees aligned, and your hips forward.

Ideally, you can grab your foot with both hands in order to try and pull that foot up higher for a greater stretch.

Repeat with other leg.

Quad stretch

Runner’s stretch

This stretch works the upper hamstring and the groin.

Start with your hands on the floor.

Draw the left foot forward so that it is now flat on the floor, and your upper leg is parallel to the floor.

Push the right foot back as far as it will go and push your hips toward the floor, feeling the stretch in the groin, inner thigh and upper hamstring.

Gradually during the stretch, try to lower your hips closer to the floor.

For a deeper stretch, place both hands to the inside the of the lead leg.  If you can drop to your elbows, you are gumby!

Runner’s Stretch

Glute Stretch

From a seated position with the legs stretched in front of you, bend the right knee, and pull the right foot in toward your inner thigh, and then cross the left foot over the right leg and place the foot flat on the floor to the right of the right leg.

Push your right knee forward a little bit.

Try to sit up as straight as possible.

Wrap your arms around the left knee, and keeping the back as straight as possible, pull the knee in toward your chest.  You will feel this stretch in the left glute and left hip.

Glute stretch

Hip Stretch

Lay flat on your back, knees bent with feet flat on the floor.

Pull the right foot up, and place the right side of the ankle onto the top of the left leg, just above the knee.

Raise your shoulders and head off the floor and reach your right hand through the space between your legs and grab onto the left knee, and grab onto the left side of the knee with your left hand, and interlock the hands.

Pull the knee in toward your chest, feeling the stretch in the right hip.

Hip stretch


And there you have a good basic stretching routine for the lower body.

Final Thoughts

As I mentioned earlier, you really only need to stretch for improved flexibility two or three days per week.

This routine involves static stretching and you can complement this routine with some dynamic movement such as leg swings, kung fu kicks, etc.

If you’ve never undertook such a routine to improve your flexibility, there is no better time than present!

The long run benefit is that you’ll be able to lengthen your golf swing, hit positions you may not have been able to hit before, and ultimately, improve your ball striking.

Get to work!






Author: Scott