If you live in the northern half of the country, you won’t be playing golf anytime soon.  And, with the Covid-19 pandemic ongoing, fewer people will head south to get in a few rounds during the winter months.

With that said, there is no reason you can’t still find ways to improve your golf game while you wait for warmer weather.

Tip #1 – Get Fit

Many people make a New Years’ resolution to lose weight, particularly the weight they just gained in the last five weeks.

Unfortunately, all they do is diet a bit and maybe step on a treadmill a few times, then give up.

This year, do yourself a favor and make a couple lifetime changes.

First, rather than just limit calories during some unsustainable diet, change your diet and eat better!  Limit the junk you put into your body, and it will make a world of difference.

Secondly, get serious about pumping iron.  The absolute best way to make lifelong, sustainable changes to your body, is strength training.

And, when you do pump iron, don’t lift weights like a wuss.  Work those muscles hard!  Learn to throw around some heavy barbells and dumbbells once in awhile, and most of the time, train your muscles to fatigue through intense, high volume weight training.

Throw in a little yoga to improve your flexibility, and you will have greater ability to make improvements to your golf swing.

Tip #2 – Swing the damn club!

It may be cold outside, and there maybe snow on the ground for some of you, but that is no excuse to avoid swinging the golf club.

But, when you do, focus on the improvements you want to make on your golf swing.  And, if you don’t know what to work on, visit my Free Training page so you can get an idea of what to work on.

Do alot of slow motion reps with and without a club in your hand.  If you suck at golf, it’s time to work on the proper sequencing and positioning of the golf club throughout the swing.  By the time golf season rolls around, you’ll be ready to hit the range to really do the work on your swing.

Tip #3 – Work on your putting stroke

You’ve got all the time in the world to improve your putting stroke, yet it only takes 10 to 15 minutes per day to make substantial improvements.

I recommend that you pick up the Eyeline Golf Edge Rail and Mirror training aids, and if it’s in your budget, get a Big Moss indoor putting mat.  You can find them over on my Training Aids page.

2020 was a crappy year for many people, including golfers.  Let’s all set our sights on making 2021 the best year ever.

And, if you are really serious about becoming a much better golfer this year, consider my Hacker To Scratch Golfer Program.

There are no excuses this year!

Now, get to work!



Author: Scott