Phil Mickelson won his 44th PGA Tour event this week, less than 18 months from being able to join the Champions Tour.  Not only did he win, he won in dominating fashion, finishing with a 65 and a 3 shot cushion over Paul Casey.

The first thing that stands out to me for Phil this year is that, at age 48, his average swing speed is just shy of 121 mph.  Just a few years ago, he was down to 114, and last year, he averaged 116.48 mph.

In less than a year, Mickelson has increased his swing speed nearly 5 mph at nearly 50 years of age.

Phil indicates that he’s worked hard on increasing his swing speed through improved technique, improved flexibility, diet, etc.  Check out this video below and you can see, not only how flexible he is, but how athletic he is as well.

So what does this mean for the average golfer?

It means there is hope for you yet!  While Phil obviously has more time than most of us to devote to improving his game, you can make significant improvements by focusing on similar areas as Phil.

First, you can increase your swing speed through increased flexibility.  Improved flexibility allows you to lengthen your swing and swing more freely, and that translates into increased speed.

Phil also worked on better sequencing, and one of the tools that has helped him with this is the SuperSpeed Golf Men’s Training System (3 Piece Set).  I’ve seen video of Phil working with these on the range, and clearly it has helped him out.

Keep in mind, Phil suffers from psoriatic arthritis.  That has to cause him some issues now and then, and that makes this speed increase all the more impressive.

So, to recap…Phil Mickelson has won two events in the last few months because he is bombing it off the tee again.  This means you can make significant improvements and hit the ball much further by training properly.

If you are not in great shape, I highly recommend P90X DVD Workout – Base Kit.  While the workout programs are difficult, you can modify them to your fitness level.  The program comes with a Yoga workout that works great for improving flexibility and balance.

Aside from that, be sure you continue to work on your Kinematic Sequence.  The Superspeed system will reinforce what you are trying to achieve with your sequencing.

Now, get to work!

Author: Scott