While winter is not officially here in the northern hemisphere, it sure feels like it has.

With that said, that doesn’t mean you can’t work on improving your golf swing.  In fact, now is the BEST time to work on your swing, since you don’t have to worry about feeling uncomfortable with your changes while playing.

Here are a few tips to for improving your golf swing over the winter.

1 – Work on your sequencing

What do I mean by work on your sequencing?  The Kinematic Sequence is simply the efficient sequence that occurs in a good golf swing.

Most golfers don’t have proper sequencing, which is why they struggle to improve.  On the other hand, professional golfers, in spite of how their swings my differ on the surface, all have nearly identical sequencing.

Learn the proper sequencing, and then work hard at improving yours.

2 – Improve your grip

If you don’t hold the club properly, you are also going to struggle with your consistency.

The grip is what controls the angle of the clubface at impact.  If you have a weak grip, your shots will tend to curve to the right (if you are a right handed golfer), and you have a strong grip, your shots will tend to curve to the left.

Focus on developing a fundamentally proper golf grip, and your consistency will improve dramatically throughout your game.

3- Perfect your setup

Most average golfers have a bad setup.  The setup issues range from poor posture to poor alignment.  A poor set up can lead to faults in your golf swing, while poor alignment will affect where you hit the ball.

It’s really easy to work on a better setup at home…get in front of a mirror to work on your posture.  Line up some clubs, or alignment sticks on the floor to work on you alignment.

4 – Work on your swing plane

You can have a perfect grip, perfect setup, and even good sequencing, but your swing is not on plane at impact, you’ll have trouble hitting straight shots.

Of course, you can play really good golf with a little fade or a little draw, and hitting the ball perfectly straight every shot is not realistic.

However, if you get stuck in a rut where you are hooking the ball too much, or slicing the ball too much, you may need to adjust your swing plane.

Just as you can work on your setup with a mirror, you can do the same with your swing plane.  I also highly recommend use of a heavy club to work on these types of changes.

Final Thoughts

If you want to hit the ground running in the next golf season, set aside a few minutes each day to work on these improvements.  I guarantee you will reap the benefits sooner rather than later.

Below are some pretty good training aids to help you.

Author: Scott